
Courses Starting In One Week! May 4th and 5th. Register Now!

Saturdays, 11 am-12 pm Mountain Standard Time 

Saturdays, 11 am-12 pm Mountain Standard Time 

Saturdays, 11 am-12 pm Mountain Standard Time 

Saturdays, 11 am-12 pm Mountain Standard Time 

Critical Loyalty College

Igniting Minds, Embracing Diversity: Where Traditional Islamic Studies Meets Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities

Our Mission

At Critical Loyalty College, our mission is to provide a higher Islamic education that engages and challenges students intellectually, free from any gender bias. Our focus lies on understanding and addressing the complexities of the post-modern world, all while employing the enriching Socratic teaching methods.

At the core of our values lies a strong dedication to nurturing an inclusive atmosphere that embraces diverse perspectives. We are steadfast in our pursuit of harmoniously integrating traditional Islamic teachings with the principles of liberal arts, creating a well-rounded and enriching educational experience.