Ijāzah in Tajwīd and Qur’ānic Reading (Riwāyah of Ḥafṣ) – 2024/2025

This course is an online program in which the students attending the Tajwīd theory (TAJ100) course will be required to complete their ijāzah in tajwīd and Qur’ānic reading. The theory course is taught immediately before the ijāzah reading so that the students can easily sit through the theory course and immediately sit in the ijāzah reading instead of having any gap in between.

To receive an ijāzah, students must register in this course as well as the TAJ100 theory online course.

This course will follow the historical trajectory where the students will start in September learning about the History of the Qur’an and its recitation from the time of the Prophet and how the rules of Tajwid were created starting by the grammarians and to the codifiers of Tajwid.

After the first 4 months, Shaykh Uthman will follow the Book Nihāyat al Qawl al Mufīd, an exemplary and classical book of Tajwid to cover the remaining topics.

Here is the Monthly Syllabus:

September: Early Arabic and the Origin of Tajwid
October: The concept of Harf and its three perspectives (Figure, Name, Function/Pronunciation)
November: Point of Articulation of the Letters
December: The Harf as a Syllable
January: Introduction to Ibn al Jazari and the Qualities of the Letters. Recitation of Juz 1-4
February: Tafkhim and Tarqiq. Recitation of Juz 5-8
March: The Idgham Phenomenon. Juz’ 9-12
April: The Rules of Nun Sākin and Mīm Sākin. Juz’ 12-16
May: The Rules of Madd and Qasr. Juz’ 17-20
June: The Rules of Waqf and Ibtidā’. Juz’ 21-24
July: The Rules of Waqf and Rasm al Khatt: Juz’ 25-28
August: The Rules of Khatm al-Qurān: Juz’ 29-30

Registration opens up in August and closes in September. Students receive their ijāzah in August after passing an exam on the variant readings.

Days and Timings:
Saturdays from 11 am to 1 pm Mountain time. (Theory and Ijazah Reading are at the same time)

One Year From September 2024 – August 2025

The first class is on September 7, 2024

Tajwid Ijazah Reading Fee (Canadian Dollars)
$ 100 Per month for 12 total payments