This course covers the first and oldest text in tajwīd, Qaṣīdah Khāqāniyyah, written by Abū Mazāḥim al-Khāqānī (d.325 H). This course is the seal of tajwīd. Students are shown the reality of the science as seen by the eyes of the originators.
The course discusses the codification of tajwīd and how tajwīd was viewed then and now. Not many rules are covered in this course; however, the students go through a journey through history and see how the scholars of the past of all sciences treated the noble science of tajwīd.
Days: Saturdays from 12pm – 1pm Mountain Standard Time
First class is September 5 2020
Course Information
Estimated Time: Four months (September 2020 – December 2020)
Difficulty: Beginner